A dietary supplement with draining effects, based on Rutin, Blueberry, Butchers Broom, Centella and Citrus aurantium with thermogenic activity.
ACTIVE PRINCIPLES: Apple extract, bluberry extract, Asiatic Centella, titrated holly, Rutin , vitamin C
FUNCTIONALITY: Slimming, draining, purifying
Clinically tested
A dietary supplement formulated with a base of carefully selected natural herbal ingredients that have been known since ancient times for their physiological draining effects.
With an innovative Apple extract rich in antioxidant flavonoids, in association with the extracts of Rutin, Blueberry, Butchers Broom and Centella, the supplement guarantees a supply of active vegetable ingredients that are useful for promoting the microcirculatory functions and improving venous tone.
Maltodextrin, Hypromellose, Vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid), Bitter orange fruit tit. 4% in synephrine (citrus aurantium), Rusco root tit.5% saponin tot. calc. as ruscogenin (ruscusaculeatus, maltodextrin), Anti-caking agents: silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate; Centella plant tit. 20% in total triterpene derivatives (Centella asiatica, maltodextrin), Blueberry fruit tit. 15% of anthocyanosides Total calc. as anthocyanidins (Vaccinium myrtyllus, maltodextrin), Rutin, Melo fruit (Malus domestic barkh tit. 80% total polyphenols and 5% in florizina).
- Dissolving fats
- Draining stagnant fluids for a slimming effect
- Cleansing the body from accumulated cellular toxins
- Slimming and reducing puffiness
- diminishing the rough appearance of orange peel skin
We recommend taking 2 / 3 capsules a day before main meals.
Be sure to drink at least 1 liter of water per day while taking the capsules.