What's new in dermocosmetic?

The use of Prebiotics and Probiotics directly on the skin to recreate the healthiest environment of our skin barrier


Some species of probiotics can help modulate the cutaneous microflora, the lipid barrier and the skin's immune system, leading to the preservation of skin homeostasis (rate of hydration) and keeping the pH under control, the increase of which is associated with various dysreactivity. cutaneous.

The International Human Microbiome Project (HMP) studies the connections of the human microbiome on the skin.

In recent studies, 800 new species have been isolated from their natural environment, starting from the different external parts of the body.

The breadth and diversity of this microbiome is a potential tool for conducting dermatological research.


An imbalance in the skin's microbiota can contribute to various skin disorders, such as eczema, acne, psoriasis, and atopic dermatitis, while antimicrobial treatment can lead to clinical improvements. Hence, skin microbiome analysis is an important part of dermatological clinical research


Microbiota  and  microbiome  are two terms often used interchangeably. But they are not. In most cases this "interchangeable" use does not compromise the understanding of the text, however it is important to reflect on the profound  difference in  biological meaning between the two words

Microbiota refers to a  population of microorganisms  that colonize a certain place. The term microbiome, on the other hand, indicates the totality of  the genetic patrimony  possessed by the microbiota, that is, the genes that the latter is able to express.

What are the active ingredients that are friendly to our Microbiome?

Prebiotic enzymes and prebiotic fibers for new applications on the skin

Where are? For example in the brand new Vita-Age PreProbiotic Revitalizing Face Cream

It is an innovative formula, specifically designed for the protection and rebalancing of the microbiome.

What does he do?

  • It is responsible for a delicate chemical-physical balance ( MICROBIOTA OF THE SKIN ) and revitalizes the active defense system of the skin itself
  • Offre un'immediata azione idratante, lenitiva e restitutiva grazie alla sua texture ultra liscia
  • Tutti i componenti sono accuratamente scelti per fornire un prodotto più verde con le massime prestazioni e una piacevole sensazione sulla pelle
  • Non danneggia il pH ottimale e normalizza la composizione alterata degli acidi grassi
  • Evita l'assottigliamento della barriera lipidica della pelle

Cosa contiene?

  1. ESTRATTO DI BIFIDOBATTERI e LIEVITO: complesso PROBIOTICO immunoprotettivo riequilibrante
  3. BURRO DI KARITE’: emolliente, antiinfiammatorio, anti irritativo
  4. CERE DI JOJOBA, MIMOSA E GIRASOLE: migliorano il network cutaneo di microrughe e apportano alla pelle un'idratazione e un comfort duraturi.
  5. MEADOWFOAM OIL: conferisce emollienza ed elasticità alla pelle, ha un alto contenuto di Vitamina E contribuendo alla diminuzione di secchezze cutanee, stretching e fissurazioni.
  • 96% di Naturalità
  • Priva di Alcool, Siliconi, Parabeni, Petrolati, Sles, Allergeni del profumo, Coloranti
  • Dermatologicamente testata, Nickel tested e senza Glutine